Our Op Ed Illustration class got the opportunity to do a live assignment for the Letters page of the Op Ed section of the New York Times. Like all their assignments, it was a super-fast turnaround. We got the letters packet on Monday morning, and had to have a finished illustration to them by 9am on Tuesday.
The letters addressed an Op Ed piece by John Bolton and John Woo, entitled "Why Rush to Cut Nukes?" Pretty self-explanatory. The letters all argued against their position, and for the New START Treaty for controls on nuclear weapon counts.
The bad news: I didn't get picked. The good news: They went with a piece by another student from our class, and the art director was so impressed with the selection of pieces submitted that she asked to do the live assignment again next term.
Here's my piece, followed by a link to the article and a great piece by my classmate, Julie Wojnarowski.